Date | Event |
7/2/2024 | Trends In Technology And Their Impact On Developing Software ProductsThe rapid pace of technological advancement is transforming industries and disrupting established practices. In this monthly PNSQC meetup, we have invited a panel of leaders in the IT industry that will explore emerging trends in technology and examine their implications for developing software products. Is developing faster always better? From the proliferation of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the rise of cloud computing, DevOps, and microservices architectures, new technologies introduce novel challenges and opportunities for developing quality products. Businesses and users always want better products faster, but is it possible? PNSQC is forging a new partnership with the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO) to bring our communities together, share knowledge, and activities. Our experienced panel of experts from TAO will dive into the cutting-edge developments shaping the tech landscape and discuss their real-world impacts on developing quality products. Attendees will gain valuable insights into staying ahead of the curve, mitigating risks, and capitalizing on the potential of technological innovation. This will be a hybrid meetup, both online and in person at the McMenamins on NE Broadway in Portland, OR. more info... |